Thursday, August 13, 2009

1) sunburns
2) hot classrooms
3) lack of textbooks for a class I have never taught
4) husbands mowing lawns in the dark
5) shocker - vampires

1) swimming
2) Hayden's dance routines
3) daughters who cook dinner
4) hardwood floors
5) iced tea

Sunday, April 19, 2009

1) slumber parties @ 30 years old
2) 8 year olds that say things like " I just can't believe in my lifetime I will see a human go from a baby to a real human - it's just amazing - I've never seen anything like it."
3) husbands that make tea
4) 4T boxer briefs
5) the school semester coming to an end

1) working at an Alt. High school on 4/20
2) seizures and head wounds
3) soccer/tumbling/weddings/semesters all ending or beginning on the same weekend
4)stomach flu and toddlers begging to be fed only to vomit it up
5)hummmm....... I'm gonna go with vampiers

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'll play your game.

1. the fact that fatty foods taste so good.
2. meetings.
3. rabbits that, though adorable, kick their crap out of the cage.
4. dirty dishes.
5. lame knickknacks.

1. turkey bacon. Who knew?
2. christmas carols.
3. tina fey.
4. the anticipation of a good haircut.
5. crossing things off to-do lists.

December 7th, 2008

1. not reading ALL the information, and driving to Canton, IL twice in one weekend
2. never-ending presentations, and the professors that make them never-ending
3. toddlers that think "peeing in the potty" is a big fat waste of time
4. not having time to put up Christmas decorations
5. and for old times sake - vampires

1. daughters who think that the gift of forgiveness is the ultimate gift (Do I deserve a daughter this nice?)
2. Eagle spotting husbands
3. pickles
4. Netflix
5. children that seem to love each other all the time

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The new blog

1. brakes that are "finicky"
2. dried up ketchup
3. confrontations with the boss
4. vampires
5. ear infections

1. husbands that pick up the children
2. daughters that help wash the dishes
3. House
4. Oxymorons
5. pajama pants

Blog's from "back in the day"

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Not Gay
1. Fridays
2. Fruit Loops
3. laughing at people who are being gay
4. pic of Jesus on a dogs butt
5. St. Nick's Day

1. vampires
2. headaches
3. people and children that lie
4. Mom's that put their 12 yr old in jail for opening the xmas presents early
5. sweet pickle relish

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not Gay
  1. Fraggle Rock
  2. Babies who sleep through the night
  3. American Sign Language for fart
  4. Meat
  5. Taking a sabbatical from blogs.
  1. vampires
  2. removing ear wax with anything other than a Q-tip
  3. Republicans who don't know they are wrong
  4. neck jabs or face flicks for that matter
  5. Apricot jelly

I'm back, bitches!(from Khara)

  1. Loud Americans in foreign countries
  2. Expensive water and sodas
  3. Anything from Disney World if you are over 11 years of age
  4. People who say "f-ing A right!" in public situations who are not Dane Cook

Not Gay:
  1. Freezie Pops
  2. Air conditioning
  3. Books
  4. "200 days of pregnancy" dinners at El Rancherito

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Not Gay
  1. ice cream
  2. money
  3. new make-up
  4. Burger King
  5. very cold drinks
  1. processes (shut up and do it)
  2. saying "I don't know" when you're the only one who would know
  3. kids near the end of school
  4. vampires, nope I didn't forget it
  5. excess mucus

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not Gay
  1. hair-ties used as pant extenders
  2. free groceries
  3. calling people Carl or Buddy when they piss you off
  4. taking showers when you are bored
  5. Lipton Green Tea with Citrus
  1. vampires
  2. people who don't brush their teeth and then insist on close talking
  3. close talkers, even if your breath is minty fresh
  4. paying bills
  5. pople who read books about vampires, robot uprisings, zombie attacks, etc.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 (from Khara)

The Ins and Outs of Gayness

1. Anything Chipman.
2. People who can't see well enough through their designer sunglasses to avoid hitting others in parking lots.
3. Picnics with people you don't like.
4. People who say "uh-uh, uh-uh" in agreement while you are talking.
5. Gynecologists. (I'm not saying you shouldn't go to a gynocologist, I just think that you should be reassured in knowing that it is gay while you are laying on your back with a paper drape over your lap)

Not Gay
1. The old man I saw yesterday in Meijer's parking lot (justifiably) honking at people when they blocked his way.
2. Hardboiled eggs.
3. Throwing people out of school who are lazy.
4. Eel sushi.
5. Snorting.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Not Gay
  1. five year olds explaining condensation
  2. snooze buttons
  3. the song "I Wanna Be Rich" (once thought to be gay, it is no longer)
  4. mechanical pencils
  5. iPods that you don't have to buy (Lucky Bastard)
  1. vampires
  2. umbrellas (if it's raining - don't go out, and if you must go out, just run)
  3. going to the dentist (I'm not saying don't go, but when you go, know that it is gay)
  4. in laws
  5. Noah's Ark motif