Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'll play your game.

1. the fact that fatty foods taste so good.
2. meetings.
3. rabbits that, though adorable, kick their crap out of the cage.
4. dirty dishes.
5. lame knickknacks.

1. turkey bacon. Who knew?
2. christmas carols.
3. tina fey.
4. the anticipation of a good haircut.
5. crossing things off to-do lists.

December 7th, 2008

1. not reading ALL the information, and driving to Canton, IL twice in one weekend
2. never-ending presentations, and the professors that make them never-ending
3. toddlers that think "peeing in the potty" is a big fat waste of time
4. not having time to put up Christmas decorations
5. and for old times sake - vampires

1. daughters who think that the gift of forgiveness is the ultimate gift (Do I deserve a daughter this nice?)
2. Eagle spotting husbands
3. pickles
4. Netflix
5. children that seem to love each other all the time